Birth Injuries from Procedures | Honolulu HI

Honolulu Birth Injuries from Procedures

Get The Compensation You Deserve For Birth Injuries 

What are birth injuries that arise from procedures in Honolulu, Hawaii? Although birth injuries are frequently associated with the infant being born, moms are also susceptible to birth injuries when giving birth. While these are unavoidably caused by the labor and delivery process, other life-threatening injuries can result from poor handling and willful neglect. If you or a loved one suffered birth injuries from procedures, you should seek legal advice from our Hawaii medical malpractice attorney as soon as you can.

During labor and delivery, a mother may sustain injuries related to childbirth. These injuries can range from mild ones that only cause momentary discomfort to significant ones that could have a lasting effect. A new mother or her family should think about talking to an SRB Hawaii Law attorney concerning injuries to the mother after childbirth in some serious circumstances. 

It is never acceptable to suffer physically, emotionally, and financially due to birth injuries from procedures, especially if medical negligence is at play. It is appropriate to seek justice and fair compensation. Allow our Hawaii birth injury law firm to fight and pursue what you deserve. Call us today for an initial consultation!   

Why do I need a Maternal Birth Injury Lawyer in Hawaii?

Pregnancy and childbirth are exciting moments in life. But when neglect leads to labor and delivery complications, what ought to be a moment of absolute happiness can be the beginning of a very long nightmare. Maternal birth injuries can make it difficult for moms to care for their children and impact their ability to work, engage in hobbies, and participate in social activities.

If you feel stuck after sustaining a birth injury from procedures, our Hawaii birth injury lawyer from SRB Hawaii Law will fight for you. We will defend you with our characteristics as follows:

  • We have over 30 years of experience representing injured mothers and families whose lives have been turned upside down by birth injuries and medical negligence. Let us assist you in filing a claim for the compensation you are entitled to.
  • Has a trusted reputation representing moms who’ve suffered injuries due to negligence during pregnancy or childbirth. Fighting big hospitals and established medical professionals isn’t simple. 
  • Being informed, understanding what is coming, and knowing how to respond will make the biggest difference in your birth injury lawsuit. 

Our decades of experience in this practice area have equipped us with knowledge on how at-fault parties defend negligent care and what are the most effective counterarguments to win every case. We, at SRB Hawaii Law, know exactly what you need and how to make it work. Reach out to us today, and let’s begin this process immediately. 

What are Maternal Birth Injuries from Procedures?

A maternal birth injury is an injury that occurs during birth and affects the mother. It is not unusual for difficulties to occur during labor. When this occurs, immediate action is required. Failure of medical staff to detect and act fast to offer solutions to lessen potential impacts of delivery risks or appropriately handle situations may result in birth injuries to mothers that could have been avoided.

At SRB Hawaii Law, we understand the unique pain that you and your family go through following a birth injury from a procedure. We assist families in Hawaii in their efforts to obtain the money they are due as a result of medical malpractice. Let us help you during these trying times. Give us a call now, and we’ll handle your case from beginning to end. 

What are the Common Types of Birth Injuries to Mothers in Honolulu HI?

During the birth process, it is possible for mothers to sustain injuries to their reproductive organs, genitals, and other systems as a result of neglect or the incorrect use of medical assistance. 

What are birth injuries that arise from procedures in Honolulu, Hawaii? The following is a list of the most common types of birth injuries from procedures:

Vaginal Tearing

During childbirth, the perineum, the skin between the vagina and the anus, frequently tears in women. Tears are typically minimal and heal quickly after birth. However, more extensive ripping of the vulva and muscles in the anus might occur, requiring surgical repair and a lengthier recovery time.

Ruptured Uterus

A ruptured uterus is an uncommon type of damage that can occur during labor and delivery. Uterine ruptures can allow the placenta or fetus to migrate into the mother’s abdominal cavity, which can result in many consequences, including serious bleeding or wrongful death.

Prolapsed Uterus/Pelvic Organ 

When the uterus or other pelvic organs prolapse are weak from pregnancy, childbirth, or both, the uterus can prolapse and fall into the vagina. Other pelvic organs, such as the bladder, can also experience pelvic prolapse. There are a total of four severity levels, ranging from 0 to 4. Stage 4 prolapse means that the organ has completely exited the body. 


Broken Bones

It’s possible for some women to get broken bones during childbirth. A split pubic symphysis or a fractured coccyx may occur. The pubic symphysis may become detached in cases where the baby’s head is present, leaving a gap. This may result in pain and discomfort for as little as two months, but the healing process may take up to eight months. The pressure from the baby’s head during birth might cause the mother’s tailbone to fracture or sprain if her coccyx is broken.

Uterine Inversion

A dangerous condition known as uterine inversion occurs when the placenta, which is still linked to the uterus, pulls the organ inside out as it leaves the body. Shock or deadly hemorrhaging may result from this. 

Nerve Injury

Another problem that mothers frequently overlook prior to childbirth is nerve injury. Depending on which nerves are harmed, mothers can have a variety of issues. Leg weakness or numbness that makes it difficult to feel or move them might result from injury to the femoral nerves. Another issue brought on by nerve loss is incontinence, which develops when the pelvic and pudendal nerves are damaged during delivery. 

Postnatal Depression

Negative experiences, such as severe physical harm to the mother during pregnancy, birth defects, birth trauma, and birth injuries to the infant, can cause a mother substantial emotional and mental trauma that can result in postpartum depression or PTSD. The following are symptoms of postpartum depression or postpartum traumatic stress disorder:

  • Avoiding reminders of the birth, such as avoiding the hospital where the birth took place or refusing to see photographs or videos of the birth
  • Isolation 
  • Feelings of guilt, failure, or that problems during delivery were the result of one’s own fault
  • Having trouble connecting emotionally with the baby

Postpartum Hemorrhage

Vaginal bleeding often lasts for a few weeks after delivery, with the heaviest bleeding happening right away and progressively getting lighter over time. However, extremely heavy vaginal bleeding could indicate postpartum hemorrhage, which, if left untreated, can be serious or even fatal. After delivery, the first 24 hours are when primary postpartum bleeding usually occurs.

After the first 24 hours following delivery, secondary postpartum hemorrhage can happen, usually when the woman has an infection from the delivery.

Severe or Fatal Complications

Although extremely rare, pregnant women may experience difficulties during childbirth that endangers their lives or even result in the wrongful death of the mother. Among these complications are the following:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Aneurysm
  • Acute renal failure
  • Respiratory distress syndrome
  • Shock

It’s possible that these issues can’t be avoided in and of themselves, but medical professionals should be aware of the risk factors that mothers face such as a relatively advanced age or a high weight. And they should be on the lookout for any signals of trouble. The promptness with which medical assistance is provided to a pregnant woman might quite literally mean the difference between life and death.

What Causes Maternal Birth Injuries in Honolulu? 

During labor, you will be under the care of medical professionals, and it is their role to ensure that you have a safe delivery. Giving birth is not without risk or damage, but if a medical expert makes medical errors, an avoidable injury can occur.

Your healthcare provider owes you a duty of care and should recognize any risks to you or your child and take preventative actions to protect both of you. There are several operations that, if performed negligently, might result in serious damage, including:

  • Anesthesia. When administered in the wrong amount or placed in the wrong location, it can cause consciousness, unneeded pain, and tension. In extreme circumstances, this can cause nerve damage and even brain injury or brain damage from not getting enough oxygen.
  • Assisted deliveries. There are several operations that can be performed to assist in childbirth, such as the use of forceps or vacuum. Incorrect execution of these procedures can result in rips, fistulas, infections, incontinence, and other serious damage.
  • Cesarean sections. The procedure used during a cesarean section has the potential to harm other organs, nerves, and blood vessels under specific conditions. 
  • Episiotomies. Sometimes incisions or cuts to the perineum and vaginal wall are unnecessary or performed improperly. This may result in extreme discomfort, bruising, and in rare cases, incontinence.
  • Perineal tears. These tears occur frequently after childbirth, but they must be completely fixed by a medical practitioner. Infected rips that have been improperly or insufficiently treated may not heal.
  • Placental abruption. It is crucial that your doctor recognizes this potential risk as early as possible and carefully watches you during your labor and delivery because this complication is rare but extremely serious and can be fatal to both the mother and the baby.
  • Pre-eclampsia. This is another potentially dangerous pregnancy complication that can lead to various consequences for the mother if not detected early. Pre-eclampsia causes high blood pressure, which can, in turn, lead to HELLP syndrome (blood, liver, and/or blood pressure problems), stroke, or organ failure.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our medical negligence legal team as soon as possible if you suspect that you may have a claim for negligence in regard to any injuries you sustained before, during, or after giving birth. 

How to Bring Maternal Birth Injuries Claims?

If you have sought counsel from the medical experts who treated you and are still dissatisfied, or if you have filed a complaint and are dissatisfied with the answer, the next step is to contact a medical negligence attorney in Hawaii.

Remember that not all pregnant women who are harmed during childbirth are entitled to compensation settlement, and you will need exemplary guidance to determine if you have a valid claim.

To prevail in a suit for medical negligence, we must demonstrate that:

  • The doctor or other medical expert owed you a duty of care
  • There was a violation of this duty of care
  • This violation of duty has harmed you 
  • There are damages and other losses associated with this harm

Typically, it is not complicated to demonstrate that a doctor or other healthcare practitioner owes a patient a duty of care. In order to establish a breach of this obligation, it is required to demonstrate that the doctor’s or medical professional’s conduct fell below the minimum standard of a reasonably competent doctor or medical professional in this particular field of medicine.

Schedule a consultation with our maternal birth injury lawyer to assist you in collecting evidence to establish medical negligence and build a strong claim.  

What Damages Can I Recover from  Maternal Birth Injuries Lawsuits in Hawaii?

The purpose of any compensation is to enhance the quality of your life after suffering from maternal birth injuries. Our objective is to help you resume your regular life as soon as we possibly can. We will consider both the monetary damages you have sustained as a result of medical errors and the compensation for your injuries. 

Economic and noneconomic damages you may be entitled to receive may include: 

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future rehabilitative expenses
  • Medical equipment and assistive devices 
  • Physical pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Counseling 
  • Lost wages, including future lost wages 
  • Decreased quality of life
  • Wrongful death 

You deserve to receive the highest amount of compensation in your birth injury case if it has cost you thousands of dollars in medical expenditures and countless sleepless hours due to grief. Our maternal birth injury attorney at SRB Hawaii Law can guide you through the entire legal process, assist you in gathering the necessary proof to support your claim, help you in demonstrating medical negligence, and support you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. To begin the process right, talk to our legal team today. 

What are the Time Limits for Bringing Birth Injuries from Procedures Claims?

All medical negligence lawsuits are subject to a statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for filing a medical malpractice claim in Hawaii is two years from the day the negligent medical care occurred, the date you learned of it, or the date you should have known about it. 

As you can see, there may be some confusion over when the clock begins to tick or when the countdown begins. There may even be some exemptions. To ensure you will not lose your chance to obtain justice and maximum compensation, seek legal advice from our birth injury attorney right away. 

Call our Experienced Maternal Birth Injury Attorney Now!

Maternal birth injuries range greatly in severity and have a wide variety of underlying causes. While certain maternal delivery injuries may be brought on by causes unrelated to medical malpractice, this is not always the case. 

Many maternal birth injuries are caused by the negligence of healthcare professionals. The mother must be adequately monitored by the ob-gyn and other healthcare professionals, who must base their judgments on the patient’s medical history, even if she already has a condition or certain risk factors.

You or someone you love might be able to make a medical malpractice claim if you suffered birth injuries that could have been avoided with better treatment. Our Hawaii birth injury attorneys can offer assistance. For more information, give us a call or send us a message immediately.

SRB Hawaii Law


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