Placental Problems Lawyer | Honolulu, HI

Hawaii Placental Problems Lawyer

Championing Maternal Rights: Placental Problems Attorneys at Your Service

If you or a loved one has suffered a placental birth injury, you need a strong advocate to seek justice and compensation. Our Hawaii placental issues lawyer has experience, sympathy, and a relentless pursuit of your compensation.

Key Summary:

  • Birth problems involving the placenta can cause catastrophic harm to the mother and infant.
  • Placental abruption, placenta previa, umbilical cord prolapse, compression, nuchal cord, velamentous cord insertion, and single umbilical artery are common injuries associated with placental complications.
  • Various factors, including maternal age, medical history, and lifestyle choices, can contribute to placental birth injuries.
  • Fetal distress, preterm birth, NICU admission, hypoxia, and maternal hemorrhage are potential complications.
  • Symptoms may include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, changes in fetal movement, and other signs that necessitate immediate medical attention.
  • Negligence requires showing breach of duty, causation, and damages for placental birth injuries by healthcare personnel, medical facilities, and other third parties.
  • Potential compensation includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and wrongful death, with amounts determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • The statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases in Hawaii is generally two years from the date of the alleged malpractice, with exceptions for minors.

SRB Hawaii Law knows obstetrics, gynecology, and childbirth standards. We will engage with medical specialists to research your placental birth injury and establish a strong case. If the harm was caused by incorrect monitoring, delayed treatment, or other medical malpractice, our team will fight for accountability.

Your rights, the well-being of your child, and the future of your family deserve dedicated and experienced legal representation. Contact us today for a free consultation to know more. 

Placental Problems Birth Injury

Obstacles during labor can cause placental birth injuries, which affect the organ that supplies oxygen and nourishment to the fetus. These injuries might have long-term effects on the mother and baby. 

Our Hawaii placental problems lawyer can help determine if medical malpractice caused a placental birth injury and pursue legal remedies.

Common Placental Birth Injuries

Issues with the placenta during pregnancy and labor frequently cause placental birth injuries. These injuries can affect both the mother and the newborn. Common placental birth injuries:

Placental Abruption

Prior to delivery, the placenta separates from the uterine wall. It can cause excessive bleeding and deprive the fetus of oxygen and nutrients.

Placenta Previa

If the placenta blocks the cervix, the baby may not be able to exit. It can cause pregnancy hemorrhage and delivery issues.

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

This happens when the umbilical cord slips through the cervix before the baby, leading to compression or occlusion of the blood vessels. This can result in reduced oxygen supply to the fetus.

Umbilical Cord Compression

Blood vessels are compressed or occluded when the umbilical cord passes through the cervix before the baby. The fetus may receive less oxygen.

Nuchal Cord

This occurs when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck. While common and usually not harmful, a tight nuchal cord can lead to complications.

Velamentous Cord Insertion

The umbilical cord inserts into the fetal membranes rather than directly into the placenta. This can lead to a higher risk of vessel rupture and fetal distress.

Single Umbilical Artery (SUA)

Umbilical cords have one artery instead of two. Although it rarely causes problems, it may cause birth abnormalities and growth limits.

Causes of Placental Birth Injuries 

Understanding the causes of placental birth injuries is essential for prevention, care, and legal claims. These are frequent placental birth injury causes:

  • Maternal Age: Women who are very young or older may be at a higher risk of placental complications. Teenagers and women over the age of 35 are generally considered to have a higher risk of certain placental issues.
  • Multiparity: Women who have had multiple pregnancies may be at an increased risk of placental problems, such as placental abruption or placenta previa. 
  • Uterine Abnormalities: Anomalies in the shape or structure of the uterus can contribute to placental birth injuries. Conditions such as bicornuate uterus or uterine fibroids may increase the risk.
  • Previous Cesarean Section: Women who have had a previous cesarean section may have an increased risk of placental complications in subsequent pregnancies, such as placenta accreta.
  • Smoking and Substance Abuse: Smoking and the use of certain substances, such as illicit drugs, can increase the risk of placental problems, including placental abruption.
  • Hypertension and Preeclampsia: High blood pressure and preeclampsia can contribute to placental complications, including poor placental blood flow and placental abruption.
  • Diabetes: Both pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes can affect the placenta’s function and increase the risk of placental complications.
  • Infections: Certain infections, such as urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections, can increase the risk of placental problems.
  • Multiple Pregnancies: Women carrying twins or higher-order multiples may be at an increased risk of placental complications due to the additional demands on the placenta.
  • Poor Maternal Nutrition: Inadequate maternal nutrition can impact the development and function of the placenta, increasing the risk of complications.
  • Trauma or Injury: Physical trauma or injury to the abdomen, such as from a car accident or a fall, can lead to placental abruption.
  • Medical negligence/malpractice: When medical professionals fail to meet the standard of care for their patients, it can lead to complications, injuries, or adverse outcomes for both the mother and the baby such as placental birth injury.  

It’s important to note that some placental complications may occur without any identifiable cause. Prenatal care, regular check-ups, and early detection of risk factors can contribute to the prevention or effective management of placental birth injuries. 

What Complications Are Associated With Placenta Birth Injuries?

Placental birth injuries can cause mother and newborn issues. The severity and kind of placental damage determine the problems. Possible placental birth injury complications:

  • Fetal Distress
  • Preterm Birth
  • Hypoxia and Brain Damage
  • Placenta Accreta
  • Maternal Hemorrhage
  • Preeclampsia
  • Infections
  • Cesarean Section (C-Section)

Not all placental injuries result in serious complications, and the outcomes can differ. It’s important to seek medical help immediately and consider seeking legal assistance if you suspect medical malpractice. 

Placental Birth Injuries Symptoms

Placental birth injuries can present with various symptoms, and the specific signs depend on the nature and severity of the injury. Here are some symptoms associated with common placental birth injuries:

  • Vaginal Bleeding
  • Abdominal Pain or Tenderness
  • Back Pain
  • Uterine Contractions
  • Change in Fetal Movement
  • Pelvic Pressure
  • Preterm Labor
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Swelling.
  • Headache
  • Decreased Fetal Heart Rate

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate a placental birth injury; other illnesses may cause comparable signals. However, any concerns or symptoms should be shared with a doctor immediately for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment.

How Do I Know If My Baby Has Placental Birth Injuries?

Diagnosing placental birth injuries typically requires the expertise of healthcare professionals, and it’s not something that can be self-diagnosed. However, some symptoms may require medical care. Inform your doctor of your concerns regarding pregnancy and birthing concern.

Can Placental Birth Injuries Be Fatal?

Placental birth injuries can potentially be fatal both to the mother and the baby. The severity of placental birth injuries can vary widely, ranging from mild and manageable complications to more serious and life-threatening situations. The potential for fatality depends on factors such as the type and extent of the injury, the speed and effectiveness of medical intervention, and the overall health of the mother and baby.

Who Can Be Liable For Placental Birth Injuries?

Liability for placental birth injuries relies on many aspects, including the injury’s circumstances. Healthcare providers, facilities, and others may be liable. Potentially responsible parties:

  • Obstetricians/Gynecologists (OB/GYNs): OB/GYNs play a crucial role in monitoring the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy and delivery. They are responsible for identifying and managing risk factors for placental complications, such as preeclampsia, hypertension, and diabetes. Failure to properly diagnose or treat these conditions could lead to placental abruption, placental insufficiency, or other placental injuries that harm the baby.
  • Midwives: Midwives have a duty to provide competent and safe care within their scope of practice, and if they fail to meet that standard, they may be held legally responsible for resulting placental birth injuries. 
  • Anesthesiologists: Anesthesiologists are responsible for administering anesthesia during labor and delivery. Improper use of anesthesia or failure to monitor the mother’s vital signs during the procedure could lead to complications, such as reduced blood flow to the placenta, potentially causing harm to the baby.
  • Other Medical Professionals: Other medical professionals involved in the mother’s care, such as radiologists (imaging and position of the baby from ultrasound and doppler – where you can hear the fetal heartbeat) or nurses, may also be found liable if their negligence contributed to the placental injury.
  • Other Third Parties: In some cases, third parties may contribute to placental birth injuries. For example, if a medical device used during delivery is found to be defective, the manufacturer of the device may be held liable.

Proving Negligence

To establish liability in a medical malpractice case, it is generally necessary to demonstrate that the healthcare provider’s actions deviated from the accepted standard of care, and this deviation directly led to the injury.

Demonstrating negligence requires the following elements:

    • Duty of Care: Establish the healthcare provider’s responsibility of care to the patient. This requires establishing that the healthcare provider must give a certain standard of care during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
    • Breach of Duty: Show that the healthcare professional breached their duty of care. They must demonstrate that their actions or omissions violated the standard of care.
  • Causation: Establish a direct causal link between the healthcare provider’s duty breach and the injury suffered. This requires showing that the healthcare provider’s acts or omissions significantly caused the placental birth damage.
  • Damages: Damages: Prove that the healthcare provider’s negligence caused hurt or damages. Damages may include mother or baby injuries, emotional distress, additional hospital bills, or other recorded damages.

If you believe that placental birth injuries occurred due to negligence or malpractice, it’s essential to consult with our  Hawaii placental problems lawyer. We can review the specifics of your case and help determine whether there are grounds for a legal claim.

Compensation for Placental Birth Injuries

Compensation for placental birth injuries, like other medical malpractice cases, can vary based on the specifics of the case, the extent of the injuries, and the laws of the jurisdiction. If a healthcare provider’s negligence leads to placental birth injuries, compensation may be pursued through a medical malpractice claim. Here are potential elements of compensation:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Wrongful Death
  • Legal Fees

The compensation amounts are determined on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the availability of compensation will depend on proving the healthcare provider’s negligence and the direct link between that negligence and the injuries sustained.

If you are considering pursuing compensation for placental birth injuries, it’s crucial to consult with our Hawaii placental problems lawyer. We can assess the specifics of your case, help you understand your legal rights, and guide you through the legal process to seek appropriate compensation.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Placental Birth Injuries?

The statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases in Hawaii is two years from the date of the alleged malpractice or within two years from the date the injury was or reasonably should have been discovered, with a maximum of six years from the date of the alleged malpractice, even if the injury was not immediately apparent.

There may be exceptions or variations based on specific circumstances, such as for minors:

  • Birth injury lawsuits filed by the parent or guardian two years after discovering the act or up to six years after the injury occurred 
  • Birth injury lawsuit filed by the child (over 10) – six years after the injury or the wrongful act. 
  • Birth injury lawsuit filed by the child (under 10) – six years from the injury or the wrongful act or when they reach ten years of age, whichever provides a longer period

If you are considering pursuing legal action related to placental birth injuries, it’s advisable to seek legal advice from our Honolulu birth injury lawyer promptly to ensure compliance with any applicable statutes of limitations and to discuss any potential exemptions or extensions that may apply to your situation.

Why Do I Need a Placental Problems Lawyer in Hawaii?

If you believe you or your baby have experienced complications due to placental problems and you are considering legal action, consulting with our placental problems lawyer in Hawaii can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • Familiarity with the state’s laws and regulations about placental problems and birth injuries
  • Experience with medical malpractice cases and complexities of placental problems 
  • Investigation and evidence gathering
  • Assessment of damages
  • Negotiation skills to secure a fair settlement without going through a lengthy trial
  • Court representation if necessary 

It’s essential to choose a lawyer with experience in medical malpractice and a successful track record in handling similar cases. SRB Hawaii Law can guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Don’t hesitate to call us today! 

Call Our Hawaii Placental Problems Lawyer Now!

Your well-being and that of your family are of utmost importance. If you suspect placental problems have led to complications, taking action is crucial. Our experienced legal team in Hawaii is ready to listen, understand your unique situation, and provide the advocacy you deserve. Whether you need answers, representation, or guidance, we are here for you every step of the way. 

SRB Hawaii Law can assist not just in placental birth injuries but in other birth injury cases as well including Breech Position, Brachial Plexus Injuries/Shoulder Dystocia, Bell’s Palsy, Birth Asphyxia, C Section Malpractice, Newborn Cephalohematoma, and more.

Your voice matters, and we are dedicated to helping you navigate the path to resolution and justice. Reach out today, and let’s work together to ensure your rights are protected and your future is secure.

SRB Hawaii Law


SRB Hawaii Law

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