Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney | Honolulu, HI

Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney in Hawaii

Support and Advocacy for Spinal Cord Birth Injury Victims

Childbirth gives families worldwide hope, joy, and promise. Unexpected complications during this significant event might be devastating. Though rare, spinal cord birth injuries can permanently damage a child’s movement, cognitive function, and quality of life. They require medical and legal support from our Hawaii spinal cord birth injury attorney to seek justice and hold responsible parties accountable.

SRB Hawaii Law supports families recovering from spinal cord birth injuries. We seek justice and fair compensation for the child and family by grasping the nuances of these cases. We treat each case with sensitivity and attention because  birth injuries can change lives.

Our Hawaii spinal cord birth injury attorney provides emotional support to families. Contact us immediately and let us create a safe atmosphere for your family while working hard to get the best outcome for you and your child.

What is a Spinal Cord Birth Injury?

Spinal cord birth injuries, also known as birth-related spinal cord injuries, occur during birth. This damage can occur during pregnancy, labor, or delivery and have lasting effects on the child and family.

Rare birth spinal cord injuries can affect a child’s physical and neurological development. The spinal cord controls movement, sensation, and other physical processes by relaying brain signals to the rest of the body.

What are the Types of Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

Mild to severe spinal cord birth injuries can influence a child’s health and development. Understanding these sorts of obstacles helps families understand their obstacles and the medical and legal support they need. Common spinal cord birth injuries include:     

  • Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: Refers to a condition in which a baby’s spinal cord sustains damage during childbirth, but not all nerve fibers are completely severed or damaged. As a result, there is some preservation of motor and sensory function below the level of the injury. This category of injury is referred to as “incomplete” because there is still some degree of communication between the brain and the affected body parts.
  • Complete Spinal Cord Injury: Refers to a condition in which a baby’s spinal cord sustains severe damage during childbirth, resulting in a total loss of motor and sensory function below the level of the injury. In this type of injury, all nerve fibers in the spinal cord are completely severed or damaged, leading to a complete loss of sensation and voluntary movement in the affected areas.

The severity and long-term impact of spinal cord birth injuries depend on factors such as the location and extent of the damage, the timeliness of medical intervention, and the availability of rehabilitation and supportive care. Families faced with these challenges often require comprehensive medical and emotional support, as well as legal guidance, to seek justice and secure the necessary resources for their child’s care and future well-being.

What Causes Spinal Cord Birth Injuries? 

Spinal cord birth injuries can develop from many circumstances and difficulties during childbirth. These injuries can be caused by medical or natural circumstances, such as:

  • Difficult or Prolonged Labor

Prolonged labor might cause spinal cord injuries to the baby. The infant may experience prolonged pressure or contractions during prolonged labor.

  • Abnormal Fetal Presentation

When the baby is in an abnormal presentation during birth, such as breech (feet or buttocks first) or transverse (sideways), there is an increased risk of injury to the spinal cord during delivery.

  • Use of Assisted Delivery Techniques

The use of forceps or vacuum extractors to assist with the delivery can lead to unintended trauma to the baby’s spinal cord if not used correctly.

  • Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)

CPD occurs when the baby’s head is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis, resulting in a challenging or obstructed birth that can increase the risk of injury.

  • Excessive Traction

Excessive pulling or traction on the baby during delivery can put undue pressure on the neck and spinal cord, potentially causing injury.

  • Shoulder Dystocia

During delivery, the baby’s shoulders get caught behind the mother’s pelvic bone. It can damage the spinal cord by straining or tearing neck nerves.

  • Umbilical Cord Complications

If the umbilical cord becomes compressed or twisted during delivery, it can disrupt the baby’s oxygen supply, potentially leading to injury.

  • Premature Birth

Babies born prematurely may have a higher risk of spinal cord injuries due to the immaturity of their developing spinal cord and bones.

  • Medical Negligence or Malpractice

Medical negligence during childbirth might cause spinal cord damage. Failing to diagnose and treat problems or misusing delivery equipment are examples.

How To Prove Negligence in a Spinal Cord Birth Injury Claim?

Proving negligence in spinal cord birth injuries is difficult. Medical negligence claims require the following:

  • Duty of Care: Show that birthing medical personnel had a legal responsibility to treat the mother and infant with reasonable and appropriate medical care.
  • Breach of Duty: Establish that healthcare professionals broke their duty of care. This requires showing that they violated medical norms or were irresponsible.
  • Causation: Establish a direct relationship between the breach of duty and the Spinal Cord Birth Injury. You must prove that the child’s injury was caused by negligence.
  • Damages: Prove Spinal Cord Birth Injury damage such medical bills, ongoing care costs, therapy, loss of future earning ability, and pain and suffering.

How Can I Strengthen My Negligence Claim?

If you feel medical negligence caused your child’s injury after childbirth, there are actions you can take to bolster your negligence claim.

In spinal cord birth damage cases, these steps can help prove negligence:

  1. Gather Medical Records: Obtain all relevant medical records related to the pregnancy, labor, and delivery. These records can provide essential details about the care provided and any potential deviations from standard procedures.
  2. Consult Medical Experts: Seek opinions from qualified medical experts who can review the medical records and provide their professional assessment of whether there was a breach of the standard of care and how it contributed to the injury.   
  3. Document the Child’s Condition: Keep detailed records of the child’s medical condition, treatment, and progress, as well as the associated financial costs and emotional impact on the family.
  4. Consult with an Attorney: Seek legal representation from our experienced spinal cord birth injury attorney in Hawaii. We will guide you through the legal process, build a strong case, and advocate for your rights.

Who Can Be Responsible in a Spinal Cord Birth Injury Lawsuit in Hawaii?

In spinal cord birth injury claims, multiple parties may be potentially responsible for the injury, depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the childbirth and the alleged negligence. Identifying the responsible parties is crucial when pursuing legal action to seek compensation for the child’s injuries and related damages. 

Some of the parties who may be held liable in spinal cord birth injury  claims include:

  • Healthcare Professionals: This category includes obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives, nurses, and any other medical personnel involved in the prenatal care, labor, and delivery of the child. If a healthcare professional’s negligence or failure to meet the standard of care leads to a spinal cord birth injury, they may be held liable.
  • Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Hospitals and medical facilities can also be held responsible for the actions of their staff members. If the hospital failed to maintain adequate protocols, supervision, or staffing, resulting in the injury, they may share liability.
  • Medical Equipment Manufacturers: If the spinal cord birth injury was caused by a defect in medical equipment used during childbirth, such as forceps or vacuum extractors, the manufacturer of the defective equipment might be held liable.  

What Damages Are Available in Spinal Cord Birth Injury Claims?

Spinal cord birth injury claims compensate the afflicted child and family for physical, emotional, and financial losses. The degree of the spinal cord birth injury, the circumstances, and the child’s life and future will determine the damages awarded.

Some common types of damages that may be available in spinal cord birth injury claims include:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Lost Earning Capacity
  • Disability and Impairment
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Home Modifications 
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Emotional Distress and Mental Anguish
  • Cost of Caregiving

Why Do I Need A Spinal Cord Birth Injury Lawyer in Hawaii?

Hawaii families facing spinal cord birth injuries confront a difficult and stressful road. In such trying times, “Why do I need a spinal cord birth injury lawyer in Hawaii?”

Birth injury cases, especially spinal cord injury cases, are complex. Justice and resources for your child’s well-being require medical, legal, and compassionate advocacy.

Our spinal cord birth injury attorney in Hawaii at SRB Hawaii Law will explain why families dealing with life-altering injuries need a skilled attorney, from understanding the state’s legal landscape to navigating medical malpractice claims. Here are some key aspects of the role our birth injury attorney can play in your case:

  • Sound Legal Guidance
  • Case Evaluation and Investigation
  • Identifying Responsible Parties
  • Advocacy and Negotiation
  • Litigation
  • Compassionate Support
  • Coordinating with Medical Experts
  • Ensuring Fair Compensation
  • Protecting the Family’s Rights

Our spinal cord birth injury attorney can guide, support, and advocate for families dealing with birth-related spinal cord injuries. Our commitment to justice and resource acquisition helps families to focus on their children’s health and future. Contact our Hawaii spinal cord birth injury attorney today.

Call Our Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney in Hawaii Now!

Spinal cord birth injuries require lifelong support, sensitivity, and understanding. SRB Hawaii Law’s spinal cord birth injury attorney can help such families. Our experience and dedication can help you pursue justice, hold accountable parties accountable, and gain the means to give your kid the greatest care.

In the beautiful islands of Hawaii, we stand as a symbol of hope, ensuring that families are not left to navigate the complexities of the legal system alone. Our birth injury law firm also provides legal representation for Breech Position Complications, Cerebral Palsy, Medical Errors, Wrongful Death, and more. 

With our unwavering dedication, we strive to create a path of healing, accountability, and empowerment for families facing birth injury challenges. Let our compassionate support and guidance be your steadfast companion. Contact us today and discover how we can help you champion your case. 

SRB Hawaii Law


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