Breech Position Complications | Honolulu, HI

Breech Position Complications Honolulu, HI

Legal Support For Families Facing Breech Position Complications

Are you or a loved one facing the challenging and potentially life-altering consequences of breech position complications in Honolulu, HI? SRB Hawaii Law stands ready to assist when seeking legal support and guidance. As dedicated attorneys in medical negligence and birth injury cases, we understand the unique complexities of navigating the legal landscape surrounding breech position complications. 

Our team is committed to fighting for justice and securing fair compensation for those affected by these preventable birth injuries. With our experience and compassionate approach, we strive to empower families and provide the support they need during this difficult time. At SRB Hawaii Law, we are here to help you through every step of the legal process and protect your rights.

Choosing SRB Hawaii Law means choosing a legal partner who will stand by your side, providing guidance, support, and relentless advocacy. Don’t face the challenges of breech position complications alone. Contact us today for a free consultation. 


What is a Breech Position?

Breech position refers to the positioning of a baby in the womb with their buttocks or feet positioned to be delivered first rather than the head. This is considered an abnormal presentation as the optimal position for a vaginal delivery is head-down, known as vertex presentation.

There are different types of breech positions, including

  1. Frank Breech: The baby’s buttocks are positioned to be delivered first, with their legs extended upward and their feet near their head.
  2. Complete Breech: The baby’s buttocks are positioned to be delivered first, with their knees bent and feet near their buttocks.
  3. Footling Breech: One or both of the baby’s feet are positioned to be delivered first, with the buttocks higher in the womb.


What are the Common Breech Position Complications in Honolulu, HI?

Breech position complications refer to the challenges and potential risks that can arise when a baby is positioned in the womb with their buttocks or feet facing downward instead of the typical head-down position for birth. In an expected vaginal delivery, the baby’s head leads through the birth canal, allowing for a smoother and safer passage. However, a baby in a breech position can pose difficulties during labor and delivery, increasing the likelihood of complications.

Breech position complications can vary depending on the specific type of breech presentation and the delivery circumstances. Some common complications associated with the breech position include:


Cord Compression

During a breech delivery, there is an increased risk of the umbilical cord becoming compressed or squeezed between the baby and the birth canal. This can reduce or cut off the baby’s oxygen and blood supply, leading to oxygen deprivation and potential complications.


Head Entrapment

When the baby’s buttocks or feet are present first during delivery, there is a higher risk of the baby’s head becoming trapped in the birth canal. This can occur if the cervix fully dilates before the baby’s head has descended, potentially resulting in a prolonged and difficult delivery. Head entrapment can increase the risk of birth injuries and complications for both the baby and the mother.


Birth Injuries

Breech deliveries carry a higher risk of birth injuries compared to head-down deliveries. The pressure and forces involved in delivering a baby in a breech position can increase the chances of fractures, nerve damage, and soft tissue injuries, particularly to the head, neck, and shoulders.


Prolonged Labor

Breech deliveries typically require more time and careful maneuvering to ensure a safe and successful birth. This can result in prolonged labor, increasing the risk of maternal exhaustion, discomfort, and potential complications such as maternal bleeding or infection.


Cesarean Section (C-Section)

Due to the potential risks associated with delivering a breech baby vaginally, a cesarean section may be recommended. While a C-section can mitigate certain complications, it is still a surgical procedure and carries its risks, such as infection, bleeding, and longer recovery time for the mother.


Fetal Distress

Breech presentations can increase the risk of fetal distress during labor. The abnormal position of the baby may cause umbilical cord compression or compromise blood flow, leading to changes in the baby’s heart rate and signs of distress. Monitoring the baby’s well-being closely during labor is essential to ensure timely intervention if fetal distress is detected.


Umbilical Cord Prolapse

In some cases, when the baby’s buttocks or feet are present first, there is a higher risk of the umbilical cord slipping through the cervix ahead of the baby. This is known as umbilical cord prolapse, and it can be a critical emergency. Cord prolapse can compress or occlude the cord, disrupting the baby’s oxygen and blood supply and necessitating immediate medical intervention.


Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

Breech babies, particularly those experiencing stress during labor, may pass meconium (the baby’s first bowel movement) while still in the womb. If the baby inhales or aspirates this meconium-stained amniotic fluid, it can lead to meconium aspiration syndrome, which can cause respiratory difficulties and complications after birth.

If your family has experienced trauma due to breech birth complications, our birth injury attorney can assist you and guide your options for obtaining justice. Call us today to discuss your case. 


What Injuries are Caused by Breech Position Complications?

Injuries caused by breech position complications during childbirth can have significant and lasting effects on both the mother and the baby. Here are some common injuries that may result from breech position complications:


If you or your child have experienced injuries due to breech position complications, consulting with our medical malpractice attorney is crucial. We can help assess the extent of your or your child’s injuries, establish the connection to medical negligence, and guide you through seeking compensation for the harm suffered.


How to Identify Potential Negligence in Breech Position Complications?

Identifying potential negligence in breech position complications can be complex, and it often requires a thorough review of the medical records and analysis. However, here are some factors that may indicate potential negligence:


Failure to Diagnose Breech Presentation

Healthcare providers have a responsibility to monitor the baby’s position throughout pregnancy. If there was a failure to diagnose the breech presentation in a timely manner, it could indicate negligence. This may involve improper or inadequate physical examinations, misinterpretation of ultrasound results, or failure to respond to signs and symptoms of a breech presentation.


Inadequate Monitoring During Labor

Once a breech presentation is identified, healthcare providers should closely monitor the progress of labor and the well-being of the baby and mother. Negligence may be indicated if there was a failure to monitor the baby’s heart rate appropriately, failure to recognize signs of fetal distress, or failure to take timely action in response to complications.


Improper Delivery Techniques

Delivering a breech baby requires specialized skills and techniques. Negligence may be present if healthcare providers use incorrect or outdated delivery techniques, apply excessive force during the delivery, or fail to perform necessary maneuvers to navigate the baby through the birth canal safely.


Delayed or Inappropriate Intervention

In some cases, a cesarean section (C-section) may be the safest option for delivering a breech baby. Negligence may be suggested if there was an unreasonable delay in performing a C-section when it was indicated or if a vaginal delivery was attempted despite known risk factors or contraindications.


Inadequate Communication and Informed Consent

Healthcare providers must inform parents about the risks and available options related to breech position complications. Negligence may be present if healthcare providers fail to provide accurate information, obtain informed consent for certain procedures or interventions, or involve parents in decision-making processes.

If you suspect negligence in your breech position complications, it is advisable to consult with our Honolulu birth injury attorney, who can assess the details of your case and guide you through the legal process.


Can I File a Lawsuit for Breech Position Complications?

Whether or not you can sue for breech position complications will depend on several factors, including the specific circumstances of your case, applicable laws in Honolulu, HI, and medical negligence.

To determine if you have a potential legal claim, it is highly recommended to consult with our medical malpractice attorney, who specializes in birth injury cases. We can evaluate the details of your situation, review medical records, and consult with medical experts to assess the viability of your case.

To establish a medical malpractice claim, you typically need to demonstrate the following elements:

  • Duty of Care: You must establish that a healthcare professional or facility must provide a certain standard of care to you or your baby.
  • Breach of Duty: You need to show that the healthcare provider breached their duty of care, meaning they failed to meet the appropriate standard of care in your situation. In the case of breech position complications, this could involve errors in diagnosis, failure to perform necessary interventions, or improper delivery techniques.
  • Causation: You must establish that the healthcare provider’s breach of duty directly caused or contributed to the breech position complications and resulting harm to you or your baby.
  • Damages: You must demonstrate that you suffered actual injuries due to the breech position complications, such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, or long-term disability.


Proving medical negligence can be complex, and it often requires the expertise of medical professionals who can provide opinions on the standard of care and whether it was breached in your case. Our Hawaii medical malpractice attorney has the experience and resources required to build a compelling case and obtain compensation for your damages. Give us a call today.


What Compensation is Available for Breech Position Complications?

Compensation for errors in handling a breech birth may include various types of damages to help address the physical, emotional, and financial consequences experienced by the affected individuals. Some potential forms of compensation that may be pursued in a legal claim include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability and impairment
  • Loss of income
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Special education and assistive devices
  • Emotional support and counseling
  • Wrongful death 


The specific types and amounts of compensation you may obtain will vary depending on your case’s circumstances, the complications’ severity, and applicable laws in Hawaii. Consulting with our medical malpractice attorney in Honolulu will help you understand the potential compensation available in your specific situation. Call us today, and let us help you pursue maximum damages for your losses. 


Why Do I Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Hawaii?

Experiencing complications during a breech position childbirth can be distressing and challenging for both the mother and the baby. If you believe that medical negligence played a role in these complications, seeking legal guidance to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you may be entitled to is crucial. This is where our medical malpractice attorney at SRB Hawaii Law, who’s experienced in handling birth injury cases, becomes an invaluable ally.

Here is what sets us apart as a medical malpractice law firm for birth injury cases in Honolulu, HI:

  • Extensive experience and track record in medical negligence and birth injury cases
  • Compassionate and personalized approach to each client’s unique situation
  • Comprehensive investigation and collaboration with medical experts
  • Strong legal strategy to hold responsible parties accountable
  • Pursuit for fair compensation for medical expenses, ongoing care, and other damages
  • Support and guidance throughout the entire legal process


Retaining our medical malpractice attorney while pursuing your breech position complications claim is essential to protect your rights, navigate the legal complexities, and increase your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve. We can advocate fiercely on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your recovery and the well-being of yourself and your family.


Call our Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Lawyer Now!

Don’t let the weight of your breech position complications burden you any longer. With our dedicated medical malpractice attorney at SRB Hawaii Law by your side, you can confidently face the legal challenges ahead. We can also help you with other birth injuries and catastrophic damages. We will be your voice, guide, and unwavering support as you seek justice and strive for a brighter tomorrow. 

You have the power to take control of your situation and pave the way for a hopeful resolution. Reach out to us today, and let us help you turn the page to a new chapter of healing and recovery.

SRB Hawaii Law


SRB Hawaii Law

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