Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney | Honolulu, HI

Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries

Dedicated Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney in Honolulu, Hawaii

nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney Honolulu, HIWas your child born with nerve and spinal cord injury? Even though certain treatments may be able to alleviate your child’s symptoms, nerve or spinal cord injury cannot be reversed. Depending on the degree of the damage, your child may be able to regain some mobility after undergoing therapy. Some children may not be able to alleviate the complications.

Suppose a medical provider’s errors can be connected to your child’s birth injury. In that case, you can pursue legal action against the responsible individual or institution. But how can you take on a physician or medical organization whose insurance defense attorneys are formidable? It’s simple: engage with a more formidable legal counsel. Our dedicated nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney in Honolulu at SRB Hawaii Law will fight for you to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Why Do You Need a Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney in Hawaii?

Our ability to establish that the medical personnel is accountable for your child’s injury is the most crucial reason you need our law firm. This may seem obvious, yet physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers frequently deny wrongdoing. We are capable of holding individuals accountable for their conduct. And as your legal counsel, we are prepared to conduct the necessary work to construct a persuasive case. 

Our skilled Honolulu nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney is a seasoned negotiator and investigator. If the medical practitioner’s insurance company refuses to comply, we are prepared to take them to court. Put your faith in a law firm that prioritizes your family’s requirements. Contact us at SRB Hawaii Law immediately to schedule your case evaluation.

What Are the Main Classifications of Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

Classification according to the degree of injury

Injuries to the spinal cord come into one of these categories:

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord has not been completely severed in an incomplete spinal cord injury. It can still send some impulses below the lesion site. Consequently, individuals with incomplete spinal cord injuries may maintain some feeling and motor function in the afflicted body parts.

Complete Spinal Cord Injury

In a complete spinal cord injury, the spinal cord is completely severed or crushed, leading to the loss of all feeling and function below the damaged site.

Classification according to location

Injuries to the spinal cord can also be classified according to the area of the spine where they happened. Injuries to the lumbar spinal cord may primarily affect the legs and pelvis. Thoracic spinal cord injuries may also affect the abdomen and chest. Injuries to the cervical spinal cord (neck injuries) impact everything below the neck and shoulders. 

What Are the Possible Risk Factors for Developing Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

Among the risk factors associated with nerve and spinal cord birth injuries are:

  • Low amniotic fluid
  • Bigger head size
  • First child for the mother
  • Baby with low birth weight
  • Extended labor
  • Preterm (premature) birth
  • Abrupt labor
  • Unusual infant presentation
  • Vacuum or forceps delivery

Broken bones, brachial plexus injuries, and brain damage may occur if the baby’s birth canal is confined and the delivery is complicated. Spinal cord and cranial nerve injuries are also among the most severe.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

Typically, a doctor’s interventions induce nerve and spinal cord birth injuries by causing a child to undergo trauma. A physician must exercise caution when delivering a child to avoid damaging the infant. Sadly, some medical professionals fail to give a woman and her child the proper care during childbirth. The causes of baby nerve and spinal cord birth injuries are listed below.

Unusual Fetal Position

As the due date approaches, a baby should ideally move into position to exit the birth canal head-first. The term for this is vertex presentation. Nevertheless, some infants may not enter vertex presentation and continue in breech presentation (feet-first). If a baby enters the delivery canal in a breech position, its neck and body will remain in the canal for a longer duration. The pressure in the birth canal may cause discomfort and lead to severe nerve and spinal cord damage.

Extended Time of Labor

Prolonged labors are risky for both mother and child. Due to the tension imposed upon the infant within the delivery canal, the infant may get disturbed throughout protracted labor. The delivery physician should be prepared for the potential of a distressed infant and take action to protect the child’s safety. If a doctor anticipates that a mother’s labor will be lengthy, they should inform her that a C-section may be necessary. 

Failure to advise a mother about potential delivery problems may constitute medical malpractice.

Negligent Use of Birthing Instruments

A physician may utilize birthing instruments to assist in the delivery of a child. During childbirth, forceps and vacuum suction are the most frequent birthing aids. The head of the infant is detached from the womb using forceps, which are instruments resembling tongs. Unfortunately, some physicians misuse this instrument by using excessive force or grabbing the child’s arm. Vacuum suction is similar to forceps in that it is designed to grasp the baby’s head. 

What Are the Sign and Symptoms Associated With Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

In many situations, the symptoms of a birth injury to the nerves and spinal cord are immediately apparent; however, in rare cases, symptoms do not appear until the first week after birth. Among the indications and symptoms of a neonatal nerve and spinal cord injury are:

  • Convulsions or spasms
  • Low oxygen levels
  • Decreased cardiac rate
  • Difficulty feeding
  • Indifferent to touch
  • Twisted hands and feet
  • Weak or rigid limbs

Numerous signs and symptoms might signal other conditions, such as cerebral palsy; therefore, doctors must test to confirm the diagnosis. This might involve the use of X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

What Are the Different Injuries Caused by Infant Nerve and Spinal Cord Damage?

Damage to the nerves and spinal cord can stop the transmission of signals from the brain to the rest of the body, preventing the brain from transmitting instructions to muscles and internal organs. A child with a damaged nerve and spinal cord may develop the following conditions:

  • Complete or partial paralysis
  • Numbness
  • Severe pain
  • Problems with bowel and bladder control
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Inability to regulate body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • Sudden spasms
  • Muscular or physical weakness
  • Unusual reflexes

Due to their inability to speak, it may be difficult to assess the extent of your infant’s injuries. However, even a less severe nerve and spinal cord injury will result in a permanent impairment that will limit your child’s opportunities and needs.

What Are the Available Treatments for Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

A thorough diagnosis can determine the degree of nerve and spinal injuries. A reliable diagnosis frequently requires a physical examination, blood tests, CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs. A physician can propose the following medical procedures based on the results of a diagnosis:

  • Immobilization
  • Surgery
  • Medication
  • Hospitalization

How Can a Medical Malpractice Lead to Spinal Cord and Nerve Injuries?

The doctor’s medical and legal obligation is to monitor and efficiently manage the delivery process. Many things can go wrong during delivery, even if everything is done right. However, when a doctor, nurse, midwife, anesthesiologist, or other staff member fails to achieve this level of care, the infant may sustain severe and irreversible injuries. At this stage, medical negligence has occurred, and the family should consider filing a lawsuit against the healthcare practitioner.

Ultimately, pregnancy and childbirth are all about intelligence and preparing ahead. A doctor does an ultrasound not just so that the pregnant woman may discover the baby’s sex and have a photo to pin to her refrigerator but also so that they can gather vital information about the developing fetus. During pregnancy, further diagnostic tests and exams are conducted. Its purpose is to help in this planning.

Do the majority of physicians carefully evaluate these aspects while preparing the delivery? Yes. However, not all physicians act as they should. The medical staff presents themselves as specialists and professionals. However, they should be held accountable when they are responsible for an injury or death. Our seasoned nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney can file a lawsuit for your family to seek justice and financial compensation for your child’s treatment.

The grounds of medical malpractice include the following:

  • Injury to the infant or mother that may have been avoided during birth
  • An unsuccessful effort to terminate a pregnancy
  • Inadequate notification of a congenital defect when the parents may have opted to terminate the pregnancy

Nerve and spinal cord injuries sustained at birth may necessitate particular care for the infant. You should be compensated for nerve and spinal cord damage resulting from carelessness.

What Are the Recoverable Damages Available for Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

If your child experienced a nerve and spinal cord injury due to the carelessness or error of a medical provider, you might be entitled to compensation. To obtain damages, you must demonstrate that the medical personnel involved in your child’s delivery were at fault. You might receive the following in damages if you prevail:

  • Medical expenses, present and future
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Mobility equipment
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish

Our knowledgeable Honolulu nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney at SRB Hawaii Law will collaborate with professionals to evaluate the monetary value of your losses. This data will enable us to determine the worth of your claim. Call us today for legal advice on your claim!

How Can Our Trained Honolulu Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney Help?

If your child experienced a nerve and spinal cord injury at birth due to medical negligence, the legal team at SRB Hawaii Law is prepared to demand full compensation and accountability for the suffering your child has endured. Our trained Honolulu birth injury attorney can assist you by:

  • Investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding the birth of your child and providing you with an honest evaluation of your situation
  • Identifying the persons who can be held accountable for your family’s compensation and the possible means of financial recovery, such as malpractice insurance, is crucial
  • Obtaining all available evidence, such as medical records, test results, diagnostic scans, doctor’s notes, and witness testimony
  • Collaborating with highly regarded medical professionals who can deliver convincing and compelling expert witness testimony in favor of your case
  • Documenting the expenses and losses incurred by your family as a result of your child’s accident, such as medical care, rehabilitation and therapy, the purchase of medical and mobility equipment, and home health or special education services
  • If necessary, aggressively pursue maximum financial compensation for you through settlement negotiations or litigation

Our Nerve and Spinal Cord Birth Injury Attorney is Ready to Advocate for You and Your Family

Our compassionate Honolulu nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney can assist you in filing a claim and negotiating a settlement. If we cannot negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance company, we are prepared to argue for you in court. We utilize our combined years of legal knowledge to guide our work. In other words, we can compete with the region’s largest medical institutions and corporations.

We accept these challenging cases because we care about assisting families victimized by medical professionals’ negligence. If you are in this situation, we want to know how we can help you. The medical personnel who caused your child’s injury should be held responsible for the suffering and difficulties you and your child are currently experiencing.

Every medical professional owes you and your child an unwavering obligation to perform safely and follow medical standards during delivery. A birth-related nerve and spinal cord damage caused by medical error are unacceptable. Filing a lawsuit for a birth injury might help you uncover answers and hold negligent caregivers accountable.

Our nerve and spinal cord birth injury attorney in Honolulu is a talented litigator with a profound grasp of the medical difficulties involved in nerve and spinal cord injuries. We can look for proof of a care provider’s carelessness and fight for your rightful reimbursement. Our team will handle everything so you can spend time with your child. We seek to provide you with financial and mental support. Contact SRB Hawaii Law today for a free consultation on your medical malpractice claim.

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