Spinal Cord Hematoma Attorney | Honolulu HI

Spinal Cord Hematoma Attorney Honolulu HI

Hold The Responsible Parties Accountable With Our Honolulu Spinal Cord Hematoma Attorney

We understand that nothing is more precious than the well-being of our children. But when an unexpected birth injury like spinal cord hematoma occurs, the impact can be profound and life-altering. In these moments of uncertainty and distress, having the right guidance and support of our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI becomes paramount.

SRB Hawaii Law brings an unwavering commitment to seeking justice for infants who have suffered from spinal cord hematomas due to medical negligence or other unfortunate circumstances. With a deep understanding of the medical, legal, and emotional aspects involved, our legal team is here to guide you through the intricate legal process while providing the support you need to navigate these challenging times.

If your child is a victim of spinal cord hematoma, our Hawaii birth injury attorney is here to stand by your side and fight for your child’s rights. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

What is Spinal Cord Hematoma?

A spinal cord hematoma is a medical condition involving the accumulation of blood within the spinal cord or the surrounding tissues. It can be a serious and potentially life-altering condition, particularly when it occurs as a birth injury. Spinal cord hematomas can result from trauma, medical interventions, or underlying medical conditions, and they can have varying degrees of severity.

In the context of a birth injury, a spinal cord hematoma can occur when there is bleeding within the spinal cord or the spaces around it during the birthing process. This can lead to compression of the spinal cord and its associated nerves, potentially causing neurological deficits and impairments in the affected individual.

If you suspect that the spinal cord hematoma of your child might be the result of a birth injury, seeking immediate medical attention and legal advice from our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI is vital to ensure the well-being and rights of your child and family is protected. 

What Causes Spinal Cord Hematoma During Childbirth? 

Spinal cord hematomas occurring as birth injuries can have various causes, many of which are related to the birthing process itself. Some common causes of spinal cord hematomas in birth injuries include:

  • Traumatic Delivery

Difficult or prolonged labor can lead to increased pressure on the baby’s spine, potentially causing trauma and bleeding within the spinal cord or the surrounding tissues.

  • Use of Birthing Tools

The use of instruments like forceps or vacuum extractors to assist with delivery can sometimes cause injury to the baby’s spine, leading to bleeding and the formation of a hematoma.

  • Excessive Traction

Excessive pulling or twisting during delivery, especially when attempting to manipulate the baby’s position, can result in trauma to the spinal cord area and subsequent bleeding.

  • Shoulder Dystocia

This occurs when the baby’s head passes through the birth canal, but the shoulders become stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone. The manipulation required to free the baby can lead to spinal cord injuries and bleeding.

  • Cephalohematoma

While not directly a spinal cord hematoma, a cephalohematoma is a collection of blood between the baby’s skull and the underlying periosteum (membrane covering the bones). In some cases, it can be associated with trauma to the spinal cord area during birth.

  • Abnormal Presentation

If the baby is in a breech (feet-first) or other abnormal presentation, there may be an increased risk of trauma to the spine during delivery.

  • Medical Interventions

Certain medical interventions during labor and delivery, such as epidural injections or spinal taps, can lead to complications and bleeding in the spinal cord area.

  • Underlying Conditions

Some babies might have congenital conditions that affect blood clotting or the integrity of blood vessels, making them more susceptible to bleeding and hematoma formation.

It’s important to note that not all birth injuries result in spinal cord hematomas, and the occurrence of such injuries can vary widely based on individual circumstances. Additionally, the severity of the hematoma and its associated effects can range from mild to severe, depending on the extent of bleeding and the location of the hematoma within the spinal cord or surrounding tissues.

If you believe that a spinal cord hematoma or any other birth injury has occurred, it’s essential to seek immediate legal guidance from our birth injury lawyer to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child.

Who Can Be Held Responsible For Spinal Cord Hematomas Injuries?

Determining responsibility in cases of spinal cord hematomas in birth injuries can be complex and depends on the specific circumstances surrounding the injury. Several parties could potentially be held responsible, depending on factors such as medical negligence, the birthing process, and the events leading up to the injury. Some parties that might be considered for responsibility include:

  • Obstetricians and Gynecologists

These medical professionals are responsible for overseeing the entire birthing process. If their actions, decisions, or techniques during delivery contribute to developing a spinal cord hematoma, they could be held liable.

  • Nurses and Medical Staff

The medical staff assisting during labor and delivery have a duty to monitor both the mother and the baby. If they fail to recognize signs of distress or don’t respond appropriately, resulting in a spinal cord hematoma, they could share liability.

  • Anesthesiologists

Anesthesia is commonly used during childbirth for pain management or cesarean sections. If anesthesiologists fail to administer anesthesia correctly or if complications arise due to anesthesia, they might be held responsible.

  • Hospital or Healthcare Facility

The hospital or birthing center where the delivery took place is responsible for ensuring proper protocols, training, and equipment are in place. If inadequate facilities or negligence on the part of the institution contributed to the injury, they might share responsibility.

  • Manufacturers of Medical Equipment

If the use of medical instruments such as forceps or vacuum extractors contributed to the spinal cord hematoma and the instruments were found to be defective or malfunctioned, the manufacturer could be held responsible.

If you believe a spinal cord hematoma in a birth injury was caused by negligence or medical malpractice, do not hesitate to call our birth injury law firm today. Our legal team can help determine the appropriate parties to hold accountable for your baby’s injury.

How Can I Prove Negligence in My Spinal Cord Hematomas Claim?

To establish negligence in a spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim, you need to demonstrate the presence of several key elements. These elements collectively form the basis of your argument that the responsible parties failed to provide the appropriate standard of care, leading to the birth injury. Here are the essential elements of negligence in your claim:

  • Duty of Care: You need to show that the responsible parties (medical professionals, healthcare providers, etc.) owe a legal duty of care to the mother and the baby during the birthing process. This duty of care arises from the provider-patient relationship.
  • Breach of Duty: Demonstrate that the responsible parties breached their duty of care. This involves showing that their actions, decisions, or omissions deviated from the accepted medical standards and practices.
  • Causation: Prove that the breach of duty directly caused or significantly contributed to the development of the spinal cord hematoma. This requires establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between the negligence and the injury.
  • Damages: Document and provide evidence of the damages suffered as a result of the spinal cord hematoma birth injury. These damages can include medical expenses, ongoing medical care costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of future earning potential, and any other related losses.

Successfully establishing all these elements strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. However, proving negligence in birth injury claims can be intricate and demanding. To navigate the legal complexities effectively, it’s advisable to consult with our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI who can guide you through the process and help build a strong case on your behalf.

How Can I Strengthen My Spinal Cord Hematomas Claim?

Strengthening your spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim involves careful preparation, gathering strong evidence, and building a compelling case that clearly establishes negligence on the part of the responsible parties. Here are some steps you can take to strengthen your claim:

  1. Seek legal guidance from an experienced birth injury attorney experienced in medical malpractice cases. Their knowledge and experience will be invaluable in navigating the legal process.
  2. Collect and organize all relevant medical records, including prenatal care, labor, delivery, and postnatal care records. These documents can provide crucial insights into the care provided and any deviations from the standard of care.
  3. Consult with medical experts who can review the records and provide professional opinions on the negligence and causation elements of your claim. Expert witnesses can help establish a strong link between the breach of duty and the spinal cord hematoma.
  4. Create a detailed timeline of events leading up to and during the birth. Include medical interventions, decisions made, and any signs of distress or complications that were present.
  5. Collect statements from anyone present during the birth, including medical staff, family members, and other witnesses. These statements can help corroborate your account of what happened.
  6. If applicable, gather any photographs or videos that document the birth process or any actions taken by medical professionals. Visual evidence can help paint a clearer picture of the events.
  7. Document all medical expenses, ongoing medical care costs, emotional distress, pain, suffering, and any other damages from the spinal cord hematoma birth injury.
  8. In some cases, an independent medical evaluation by a qualified expert not involved in the initial care can provide an unbiased assessment of the injury’s cause and severity.
  9. Research similar cases where negligence led to spinal cord hematomas or other birth injuries. Understanding past legal precedents can strengthen your argument for negligence.
  10. While pursuing litigation is an option, exploring settlement negotiations with the responsible parties or their insurers might lead to a favorable resolution without the need for a lengthy trial.

Remember that building a strong birth injury claim requires time, effort, and legal know-how. By following these steps and working closely with our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI you can increase the strength of your birth injury claim and improve your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

What Damages Are Available For Spinal Cord Hematomas Claim in Hawaii?

In a spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim in Hawaii, various types of damages may be available to compensate you and your family for the physical, emotional, and financial losses incurred due to the injury. These damages can be categorized into two main types: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are those that can be quantified in monetary terms and are directly associated with measurable financial losses. In a spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim, economic damages may include:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Earnings
  • Assistive Devices
  • In-home Care
  • Transportation Expenses
  • Home Modifications

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those that compensate for subjective, non-monetary losses that are not easily quantifiable. Non-economic damages may include:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Loss of Quality of Life

The specific damages that can be pursued will depend on the circumstances of your child’s birth injury and the resulting spinal cord hematoma. Seeking legal advice from our birth injury attorney in Hawaii will provide you with a better understanding of the damages that may be available to you based on the specific details of your case.

Who Can File For Birth Injury Claims in Hawaii?

Individuals who have suffered a spinal cord hematoma birth injury or their legal representatives can typically file a birth injury claim in Hawaii. The specific parties who have the legal standing to file a spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim can depend on the circumstances of the case. Here are potential parties who might be able to file such a claim:

  • Parents or Guardians: Parents or legal guardians usually have the legal right to file a birth injury claim on behalf of the child
  • Injured Child: As the child grows older and gains legal capacity, they might be able to file a birth injury claim themselves once they reach a certain age or achieve legal emancipation
  • Immediate Family Members: In cases where a spinal cord hematoma birth injury has led to a fatality, immediate family members, such as parents, siblings, or dependents, may be able to file a wrongful death claim
  • Legal Representatives: The legal representative such as a guardian, conservator, or trustee of the child might be authorized to file the claim on their behalf

It’s important to note that the laws regarding birth injury claims can be complex, and the eligibility to file a claim can be influenced by different factors. Additionally, statutes of limitations and other legal requirements can impact the ability to file a claim. If you believe you have a valid spinal cord hematoma birth injury claim in Hawaii, our birth injury attorney can provide personalized guidance and help determine who has the legal standing to file the claim.

How Long Do I Have To File A Birth Injury Claim? 

The statute of limitations for birth injury claims in Hawaii is generally two years from the date of the injury or discovery of the injury, whichever comes first. However, there can be exceptions and variations depending on the circumstances of the case. It’s important to consult with our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI to get the most accurate and up-to-date information based on your specific situation.

  • Birth injury lawsuits filed by the parent or guardian two years after discovering the act or up to six years after the injury occurred 
  • Birth injury lawsuit filed by the child (over 10) – six years after the injury or the wrongful act. 
  • Birth injury lawsuit was filed by the child (under 10) – six years from the injury or the wrongful act or when they reach ten years of age, whichever provides a longer period

Call our Honolulu Spinal Cord Hematoma Attorney Now!

In the wake of a spinal cord hematoma birth injury in Hawaii, our spinal cord hematoma lawyer becomes your source of reassurance. We understand the emotional toll these cases can take and offer not only legal guidance but also empathetic support. 

With our spinal cord hematoma attorney in Honolulu HI at SRB Hawaii Law, you can move forward with hope and determination, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side every step of the way. We can also assist you in other birth injury cases such as Cerebral Palsy, arteriovenous malformation, neurosurgery errors, and more

Partner with us at SRB Hawaii Law and confidently face the road ahead, secure in the knowledge that you have a resolute ally striving for your and your family’s justice and well-being.

SRB Hawaii Law


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